Room 3

Room 3
Quote of the Term - "Change cannot be avoided. Change provides the opportunity for innovation. It gives you the chance to demonstrate your creativity." -Keshavan Nair, Author and Professor

Brain Food

Each day starts with a healthy snack and milk to help activate the brain. The snack should be fresh fruit or vegetables or plain crackers and cheese. Please cut larger pieces of fruit such as apples into manageable segments that can be consumed in a short time. No packets or sweet biscuits. I am also introducing flexibility with eating during the day (at any time suited to your child). Please provide several healthy snacks for this purpose. Research shows that when healthy snacks are eaten regularly, students are more attentive and enjoy learning more. Morning tea is eaten while the teachers read to children. I ask that they choose something that does not have commercial packets as the noise is difficult for children to hear over as the wrappers crackle. I encourage them to bring a bottle of water to the classroom and have this available throughout the day. It is essential to keep the brain functioning well. Please name bottles clearly.

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